Part of being an employer means running payroll. And chances are, you probably have to deal with a few types of payroll deductions, like 401(k) or health insurance, when paying employees. But, what happens when you have to deal with a deduction that you don’t have consent for, like a correction for a payroll error? […]
Read More Not Knowing Legal vs. Illegal Payroll Deductions Can Cost You Big TimeDeductions & Contributions Articles
Deductions & Contributions - Tips, Training, and News

Tax-deductible Donations to Ukraine: Employee PTO Donations
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has people across the U.S. thinking of ways to donate to the Ukrainian people. Businesses giving charitable donations, like money and property, are common. But, there are other ways to contribute. Employees can make PTO donations to Ukrainian refugees to help raise money for those in need. Read on to learn […]
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What Is a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP)?
For small business owners, making significant contributions towards employee retirement can be a challenge. Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plans can be a great savings option.
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What Are Pre-tax Deductions and Contributions?
Do you need to withhold money from employee wages beyond taxes (e.g., garnishments or benefits)? Then you might be wondering when exactly you deduct the employee’s contributions—before or after taxes. Well, it depends. For accurate withholding, understand what are pre-tax deductions.
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What Are Payroll Liabilities?
A business owner without liabilities is like a house without a door—you just don’t see it. And if you’re an employer, one of your many liabilities revolves around payroll. You can’t neglect or delay paying your payroll liabilities, or you may face disgruntled employees, IRS penalties, and upset payroll service providers. So, what are payroll […]
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