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Customer Invoice Detail Report

This report shows a detailed list of invoices you have created and sent to customers. To view only a list of unpaid invoices, see the Unpaid Invoices report.

Reports > Accounting > Customer Reports > Invoice Detail

  • By default, all customers will be included.  You can select the customers to include.
  • Select the Date Range you want to view, either filter by the Invoice Date or Due Date.
  • Enter the date range. By default, the report will show the first day of the prior month to today.
  • By default, this report will only show invoices with the status of Unpaid, Partial (if the invoice has been partially paid). Click “Show Paid and Voided” to include both paid and unpaid, plus any invoices that were voided.
  • Click Run Report.
  • You can click “Download Spreadsheet” to download a .csv file that you can open in Excel with your invoice details.

Click the activity link for that invoice (Print, Apply Payment, Email, Edit, Void, or Delete).  Accounting Premium customers can also create a recurring invoice, or attach files.

To print the PDF version of the invoice, click the “Print” link below the invoice detail.   The PDF will include any payments that you have received for this invoice and show the balance due.  To void this invoice, click the “Void” link.  For more information, see Voiding a Customer Invoice and Void or Delete a Transaction: What’s the difference?

You can also view the invoice status history of all actions for one invoice at a time.  You can get to this two different ways:

  1. From the Invoice Detail Report, click the “Invoice #” link for that invoice.  This will take you to details for one specific invoice.
  2. Under Reports > Accounting > Customer Reports > Invoices.   Find the invoice and select the action “View Details.”  The bottom portion shows the Invoice Status History, with a time stamp showing when the invoice status changed.

To see a summary of payments customers have made to you, see the Customer Payment History Report.

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