Pursuit of Happiness

Who says Accounting and Payroll have to be boring?

With a name like Patriot, you knew we’d use a government document somewhere in our brand. Well, the USA’s Declaration of Independence says “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Radio Ads

(Some of our Radio Ads may make you happy. They're all true stories.)

Patriot CEO and Founder, Mike Kappel, recording radio ads.
Basement of Factory Startup
Formal Business Attire
Broke! - Eating Macaroni and Cheese
Dad Says No
Hired & Fired First Employee
No Paystub for You!
Love: Simplicity, Price, And Power
The Ugly Phone Call
Accounting 101
College Fence
Soup Line
The Tax Man Cometh
Ski Skiing Roadtrips - Broken Bones
Payroll Salespeople are Noise
Don't Sell Us Stuff We Don't Need
Entrepreneurs Must Change
I Know
Price Shopping
Honey, I Hocked The House
Thanks For Visiting Dad
Banker Clubbing Me
Payroll Battlescars
Gargling with Razor Blades
DIY Attorney
No Long Term Contract
Female Cage Fighter
Basement of Factory Wasn't Fun
Don't Read Instructions
Pearl Antler – Testimonial
Brittany – Testimonial
Laurie Cross – Testimonial
Happy with Patriot – Testimonial
Patriot Software Jingle – 30 sec
Patriot Software Jingle – 60 sec

TV Ads (Some of our TV Ads may make you happy.)

YouTube Shorts

Check out our YouTube Shorts for more happiness!