Payroll Help

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Changing Your Company Mailing Address in Patriot Software

As a Patriot Software customer, your business mailing address is used as your main location.  If your main location changes, you will need to update your mailing address.  Here’s how:

  1. Settings > Company Settings > Company Info.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Update your mailing address.  This address will be used on your tax forms.
  4. Click Save.

If you have moved to a different tax location

If you are a payroll customer, and if your worksite has moved to a different tax location, you will also see a Missing Information warning prompting you to complete any missing tax settings, such as tax ID number, SUTA rates, etc.

If you are a Full Service Payroll customer, you will see a Missing Information warning prompting you to enter the Deposit Frequency for this new local tax.

  1. Settings > Tax Service Settings > Tax Deposit Frequencies
  2. Find your new local tax listed.
  3. Choose the Deposit Frequency from the dropdown.
  4. Click Save Settings.

If you have additional work locations and need to update an address, you can inactivate the old location and add a new location.  For more details, see Managing Company Work Locations.

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