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How to Issue a Credit to Customers

Background: Issuing Customer Credits

There may be times when you need to issue a credit to your customer. This could be due to returning items they purchased from you, or other miscellaneous refunds you want to give. In Patriot Software, you can issue a credit for your customer and apply this credit to future invoices.

To issue a credit to your customer in Patriot Software

  • Accounting > Receivables > Credits
  • At the top of the page, click “Create New Credit.”
  • Select the customer
  • The date will default to today. Change the date, if needed.
  • The credit memo number will automatically show the next available number since your last credit. You can change this, if needed.
  • If you have created departments, select a department to record this credit.  For more details, see Managing Accounting Departments.
  • Select the product or service you want to apply the credit memo to. To add an item to the list, see Setting Up Products and Services.
  • Enter the quantity, if applicable
  • Enter the dollar amount of the credit.
  • Select the account this credit should be recorded under.
  • Add an optional description.
  • To add another credit, click the “Add Row” link and repeat the above steps.
  • Add any optional Credit Comments.
  • Click “Save Credit.”

Once you have created the credit, it will appear in the customer’s Credits tab on their record. A credit can have the status of either Open or Applied. When a credit is Open, it is available to be applied to any of that customer’s invoice. When a credit is Applied, it has already been used, and no longer available.

Now that you have created a credit for a customer, you can now apply it to your customer’s invoices. See Applying Credits to Customer Invoices.

You can also email a notification of the credit to your customer.  See How to Email an Invoice or Credit to Your Customers.

You can also void or delete a customer credit, if needed. See Voiding a Customer Credit.

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