Payroll: Skipping Deductions, Contributions, or Direct Deposits
When you enter a new payroll on the Step 1: Payroll Entry screen, you can turn off your pre-filled payroll dates, or skip deductions, contributions, or turn off direct deposit for this payroll only. Click the “Show Advanced Options” link to expand and display these options. Additional fields will appear only if you have set up deductions, contributions, and/or direct deposit.
Opt out of Pre-filled Payroll Dates
By default, the Pay Period Start Date, Pay Period End Date, and Pay Date fields will be prefilled based on your last payroll and your pay frequency if you pay weekly or biweekly. If you would rather not have these dates pre-fill and instead be left blank so you can enter them each payroll, select “No” for “Pre-fill Payroll Dates.”
Skipping Payroll Deductions and/or Contributions for All Employees
By default, all active deductions and contributions that have not met limits will be included in the payroll. You may choose not to include selected deductions/contributions or all of them by checking each item to be excluded (for example: you are running payroll for a second bonus check, and you have already collected the proper amount of deductions and contributions). To exclude all of them, click “Check All” at the top of the list.
Note: To skip a deduction/contribution for certain employees only, do not use this feature. Instead, inactivate the deduction/contribution directly on the employee’s record screen before running the payroll. Then, reactivate the deduction/contribution on the employee’s record after the payroll is run.
Turning Off Direct Deposits
If you offer direct deposit, you have the option to “Turn Off Direct Deposits.” When this box is changed to Yes, anyone with an active direct deposit account will have a live check for the direct deposit amount. You can then print or handwrite live checks for everyone in the payroll.
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