Illinois Monthly Wage Report
Companies paying SUTA in Illinois who have 25 or more employees in the past two years must file the Illinois Monthly Wage report for SUTA. The 25 employee threshold is the number of employees that a company had employed in total regardless of how many actually work in Illinois.
For more information, please visit the Illinois Department of Employment Security website.
The Monthly Wage Report is in addition to Illinois quarterly SUTA tax filing and is included in Patriot’s Full Service Payroll.
Illinois Monthly Wage Report in Patriot
New Full Service payroll customers required to file the report must opt into it in the software. Existing customers with more than 25 employees will automatically be enrolled.
Although this report is filed electronically to the state, Patriot will generate a PDF with the information filed in the Monthly Wage Report to the state, which will be included in your tax filing packet each quarter.
New full service customers
If you are a new full-service payroll customer to Patriot and are required to file the Illinois Monthly Wage report you can indicate this in the software.
Go to, Settings> Payroll Tax Settings> Tax Deposit Frequencies. Under the “State Tax” section, check the box that reads, “I have employed 25 or more employees in either of the last two calendar years.” Click “Save.”
Existing customers with 25 or more employees
Existing Patriot Customers who have 25 or more employees will automatically be opted into the Monthly Wage report tax filings. This will not be an editable field in the software unless your company has not met the 25 employee threshold.
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