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Payroll Tax Calculations in Patriot Software

How are payroll tax calculations handled?

When you first set up your company information, you will define the federal, state and local payroll tax settings for your company. When adding employees, you will set up each employee’s tax withholding that they have included on their W-4 form (and any state or local withholding forms). From there, Patriot will handle tax calculations for your employees for each payroll automatically. We will also allow you to set taxability on deductions, contributions, and other types of payments.

How do I know the payroll and tax calculations will be accurate?

Tax calculations are handled by a separate application that specializes in payroll tax calculations. The provider for this software has been providing tax calculation software since 1984, and their software currently handles and calculates taxes for millions of paychecks each week. Some of the companies using this tax calculation software include United Technologies, AT&T, KPMG, General Mills, Qualcomm, Kaiser Permanente, and Walmart.

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