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Hourly Employees: Entering My Time Worked

In this article:
Understanding your time card
Time Card Rejection

If your employer offers timekeeping, and you are an hourly employee, follow these steps to enter or edit your time. If the time card has already been approved, you will not be able to make entries or edit entries.

  1. Log in to your employee portal at www.mypatriot.com. You can also download the employee mobile app, My Patriot. Learn more about the mobile app by reading our help articles.
  2. Open Time Cards
    • From the Home page, click “Time Cards” on the left. The time card for the current pay period will appear by default.

Understanding your time card

  • Time Zone: Your time card will display your work location’s time zone. To change your work time zone: Go to MY INFO > Personal Info > Work Time Zone. Click in the dropdown box to select a new timezone. Click “Save.”
  • Year and Pay Period: The current Year and Pay Period will appear in the dropdown lists at the top of the page. To view a time card for a different pay period, select it from the dropdown list and click Run Report.
  • Daily Columns and Hour Rows: Each day is shown in columns, and types of hours are in rows.
    • Weekly pay: one-week grid.
    • Biweekly pay: two-week grid.
    • Semi-monthly/monthly pay: shows all days in the pay period, with days outside the period in gray.
  • Job Roles: Your job or role description will be displayed if your employer has set you up with multiple pay rates for different jobs or roles. Your primary job will be displayed by default. Select the job role from the dropdown to enter time for that role.Each day is shown in columns, and hours types are shown in rows.
An example of the dropdown for an employee with multiple job roles.
An example of the dropdown for an employee with multiple job roles.

3. Enter Time

💡 Read about “Overnight Shifts and Missed Time Punches“, (currently in beta for select customers) in our help article.

  • Punch In/Out: If your time card is set to punch in/out, use the “Punch In” and “Punch Out” buttons to enter timestamps. Time punches will be automatically saved. If you miss a punch or need corrections, ask your employer or manager. You will not be able to submit your time card until missed punches are resolved.
  • Manual Entry: Enter the start and stop times in the “In” and “Out” cells. Click inside each cell to use the time entry window or type times manually (e.g., 9:00 AM). Click Add In/Out for additional sets of times for breaks or multiple shifts. Click “Save.”

    💡 Be sure you include a corresponding “Out” time for each “In” time added.
  • Multiple Pay Rates: Ensure you clock both “In” and “Out” before switching to a new job role.
  • Paid Breaks: Enter the start time in the “In” cell and the stop time in the “Out” cell for paid breaks. If you are a manual time entry, click “Save” after recording your entries.
example of muliple pay rate selection for punch time employees
An example of an hourly employee with multiple job roles with time punch.

4. Add Other Hours

  • Other Hours are typically used for non-worked hours (e.g., vacation, holidays), click “Other Hours” and enter the total daily non-worked hours in the new rows that appear.

5. Add Daily Notes or Time Card Notes

What’s the difference? Daily notes are comments on a specific work day. Time card notes are general notes for the time card and are not related to a specific day.

💡Managers are not notified of new daily notes and may not see these until approving time cards.

  • Add a Daily Note – Click the note icon next to the total hours on the desired day to add a note on a particular date. Type your note and click “Save Note.” You can edit or delete your daily notes until the manager approves the time card.
  • Add a Time Card Note – Click the Notes section of the time card to leave general comments on the time card that aren’t related to a specific day and “Save Comment.” You can edit your time card comment until the manager approves the time card.

7. Submit Your Time Card

  • Click the “Submit” after you’ve completed your timecard for the pay period. You can still edit until your manager approves the time card by clicking “Unsubmit.” 

    💡 If a manager has already approved this time card, you will see “Approved” in the top right corner. If the time card has been approved, you can no longer make time card entries for that pay period.

Time card rejection

If your employer rejects your timecard, you will be notified by email and also in your employee portal.

  • Make the necessary corrections
  • Click “Submit”
  • Click “Save”  
Time card rejection screenshot
Example of a timecard rejection notification in the employee portal.

Did you know there’s a mobile app for employee timekeeping? You can download the My Patriot mobile app on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store

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