Editing My Personal Information
If you are an employee and have any questions about your paychecks, W-2s, or using the employee portal, please contact your employer. Patriot Support staff cannot answer your questions via chat, email, or phone. We can only speak with authorized company contacts.
You can view and make changes to certain personal information in your employee portal. From the main page, click “Personal Info.”
- Click Edit.
- On the Edit Personal Information screen, you can change your address (within the same state), phone, email, and birth date.
- Your work location and time zone will be displayed. This time zone will be shown on time cards if your employer uses time and attendance software. You can change the time zone of your work location by selecting a new one from the dropdown menu and clicking “Save” at the bottom of the page.
- Your employer may be required to track your race for equal opportunity employment reporting purposes. If so, you can select your race. For a more detailed description of the choices, see this sample self-identification form.
- Your employer may be required to track your veteran status for reporting purposes. If so, you can select your veteran status. If you are not a protected veteran or not a veteran at all, choose “Not a Protected Veteran.” See this infographic “Am I a Protected Veteran?” for guidance.
- Click Save.
Note: To change your name, Social Security Number, or change your address to a different state, you will need to notify your employer to make the change for you, since these changes could affect taxes.
Position Info
If your employer tracks information about your job, you will see your hire date, job title, and position type (full time, part time, seasonal, etc.). This information is not editable. If something needs to be changed, you will need to notify your employer to make the change for you.
Emergency Contacts
If your employer offers emergency contact tracking, you can add or edit emergency contacts.
- To add an emergency contact: Click Add New Contact. Fill in the emergency contact fields, and click Save.
- To edit an emergency contact: Click Edit in that row. Make any changes, and click Save.
- To delete an emergency contact: Click Delete in that row. Click OK to confirm you want to delete this emergency contact.
Your feedback will not receive a reply. If you have a specific issue, please reach out to our support team here.