Viewing Your Monthly Software Charges In Patriot Software
As a Patriot Software customer, your credit card will be charged monthly in arrears for the software that you use. Your credit card will be charged on the 1st day of each month for the prior month of service. The billing details are paperless, and are available for download. You will find them under Settings > Account Activity > View Billing Activity.
By default, transactions dated 90 days prior to today and those dated 7 days beyond today are displayed. To change the range of transactions to display, simply enter new dates in the “from” and “to” fields and click Run. You may change the sort order of the results by clicking on the appropriate column header name to toggle between ascending and descending sort order.
To view charge details, click on the Transaction ID number. A new web browser page will open and the billing details will appear for saving or printing.
Why was my credit card charged after I cancelled?
One important thing to note is that Patriot bills in “arrears.” This method of invoicing means you receive services first, and then pay for them. Here’s how it works: Patriot “looks back” to determine how many days you had active software products and how many employees you paid (if applicable) in the previous month. We then create an invoice and charge your credit card. For example, a February 1st invoice will be for active software services during the month of January.
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