What is a 944 Filer?
If your business is a small employer that owes less than $1000.00 in federal taxes per year, you may need to file Form 944 annually instead of Form 941 quarterly. The IRS will send you a notice to let you know if you are required to file 944. For more information, see Certain Taxpayers May Now File Their Employment Taxes Annually from the IRS website.
When entering your Company Tax Settings:
- Settings > Payroll Settings > Tax Settings > Show Advanced Tax Settings (bottom of page)
- If you file an annual Form 944 instead of a quarterly Form 941 for your federal taxes, choose “944” for “Federal Filer Type” under the Advance Tax Settings section at the bottom of the page. If you are not a 944 Filer, leave the choice “941.”
- Click Save.
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